Florida Supreme Court Approved Mediation Certification Courses
Greg has taught in a variety of mediation courses including Appellate Mediation, Circuit Civil Mediation Certification Training, Family Mediation Certification Training, and Dependency Mediation Certification Training. He has been primary trainer for some of these courses and all the courses were approved by the Florida Supreme Court as meeting the training requirement for certification. In 2016, Greg founded My Florida Mediator and now teaches mediation certification courses with My Florida Mediator.
Custom Tailored Mediation, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training
Greg has conducted special training programs throughout the United States and Europe. He has conducted more than 30 comprehensive mediation training programs for state court programs outside Florida and has offered in-service mediation, negotiation, conflict resolution and collaboration training for various organizations and business throughout the U.S. including, but not limited to the American Arbitration Association, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Association for Professionals in Infection Control, Citigroup, Family Mediation Services (Ireland), Florida Department of Children and Families, Florida Division of Rehabilitation Services, Florida Medical Quality Assurance Inc. (FMQAI), National Institute of Trial Advocacy, North Carolina Administrative Office of the Court, Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Staffing Concepts Inc., Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison, etc.
Comedy Improv and Collaborative Skills Training
Greg has created a unique program using comedy improv training as a means to teach groups how to be more collaborative and engage others in a more collaborative manner. Using laughter and active participation, Greg helps professionals learn that the same skills that comedy improv performers study to instantly create a skit on the spot. These skills are invaluable and help professionals promote collaborative engagement with others. Starting with "Yes, And" and building from there, trainees learn the specific steps for engaging others in a less threatening and more authentic and respectful manner.
For more than twenty-five years, Dr. Firestone has been training mediators and other professionals in Florida and around the world. He founded the University of South Florida Conflict Resolution Collaborative in 1994 and taught mediation for more than twenty years at USF and now teaches with My Florida Mediator.