He taught in the University of South Florida Colleges of Medicine and Public Health and founded the USF Conflict Resolution Collaborative (aka Mediation Institute).  The  CRC offered a range of mediation certification courses, and Greg served as primary trainer for the majority of Florida Supreme Court approved mediation certification courses offered at USF for twenty-two years.  Since retiring from USF in 2016, Greg continues his university involvement as a collaborative associate professor in the USF College of Public Health.  His continuous university appointment is testament to his reputation as an outstanding continuing contributor to the field of conflict resolution and his acclaimed career as an educator and trainer.  Greg has taught thousands of mediation professionals at USF as well as throughout in North America and Europe.

Professional Recognition

For his contributions to the field of mediation and conflict resolution, Greg has received numerous awards including the:

  • 2012 Florida Supreme Court Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution Award
  • 2012 Presidential Award, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts 
  •  2011 Award of Merit, Florida Academy of Professional Mediators 
  •  2003 Presidential Award, Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and   Conciliation Courts  
  •  2002 Association for Conflict Resolution 2002 Presidential Award

In 2003, Greg received an acknowledgement of appreciation from the Florida Supreme Court for successfully mediating (pro bono) a proposed court rule dispute between a Standing Committee of the Florida Supreme Court and a number of judicial circuits around the state.  This acknowledgement appeared in Florida Supreme Court Opinion (SC02-1574) when the court adopted the proposed rule adoption modification proposed in the mediated settlement.

Public Service

Greg has served on the Board of Directors for state and national alternative dispute resolution organizations including the Academy of Family Mediators, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Florida Association of Professional Family Mediators and served as founding president of the Florida Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. 

For more than twenty years, Greg served on standing alternative dispute resolution committees of the Florida Supreme Court including seven years as Vice Chair of the Florida Supreme Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules and Policy Committee.

Greg also chaired the first Parenting Coordination Workgroup appointed by Justice Barbara Pariente and served on the Residential Mortgage Task Force appointed by Chief Justice Peggy Quince and was chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Subcommittee.

Sample Publications

Click here to see some articles by Gregory Firestone, Ph.D.

​Gregory Firestone is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Trinity College in Hartford Connecticut.  He obtained his Ph.D. in Clinical and Community Psychology from the University of South Florida and completed two years of additional clinical training in in Connecticut.   Greg is a retired clinical psychologist and currently practicing mediator of a wide range of disputes.